Monday, September 30, 2019

Policy Making Essay

In the United States, a Constitutional form of government mandates a separation of powers between the respective branches of government. Therefore, the methods and avenues of the policymaking process are complex. Because of this unique â€Å"separation between its executive and legislative functions† (Schroedel 3) the governmental system in America â€Å"lacks a formal hierarchical or organic link between the executive and the legislative branches of government† (Schroedel 3) and this results in two primary progenitors of policymaking. Policy may be forwarded by the legislative or executive branches. The idea behind the division of policymaking powers to establish â€Å"a government composed of functionally separated branches that are required to share legislative responsibilities† (Schroedel 4) with neither of the branches exerting primacy. In addition to the formal branches of government, policymaking is impacted by public activism and public opinion as well as media. Such influence, often referred to as â€Å"agenda setting,† can be a primary motivator in the policymaking chain. Plainly stated, â€Å"Agenda-setting is the course by which issues are adopted for Governmental consideration and perhaps remedy† (Nelson 161), so, technically, one of the branches of government, legislative or executive, must at some point be engaged in the policymaking process set forth by public agenda-setting. A case which illustrates the combination of all aspects of policymaking fro public activism to legislative and executive influence, is the issue of child abuse in America. Rather than having long-standing laws and protections against child abuse, â€Å"It was not until the 1950s and 1960s [†¦ ] that the problem again came to the fore† (Nelson 163); a key point being that the bringing of the problem to the forefront of public and governmental awareness lay largely with the media and with popular interest groups and activists. It was â€Å"by examining how child abuse achieved these agendas† that government came to understand â€Å"new categorical social service policies† (Nelson 163) and subsequent legislation broadened to include â€Å"a more sensitive governmental response to rape, as well as recognition of such â€Å"new† problems as spouse abuse, child sexual abuse, child pornography, and abuse of the elderly† (Nelson 163). The conclusion is that public interest and activism, along with the legislative and executive branches of government plays a pivotal role in policymaking in American government.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Augustus: Person of the Year

Ryan Weber Mrs. Brannan HUM-2211 October, 15, 2012 Person of the year: Augustus How does one define person of the year? Someone who is appointed this title of great honor above every other man or woman in the world. For what it’s worth, I can sum it all up into one name, Augustus. A brave and loyal leader, educated and intelligent man, a political connoisseur, patron of the arts, and a loving husband, what else could be asked from a man of such great achievement?We will be looking into the life, rule, and accomplishments of Augustus, then finish off with an exclusive interview to give us more of an insider look on the â€Å"Person of the year. † â€Å"On March 15, 44 BC, a group of Roman Senators stood over the dead body of Julius Caesar, bloody knives in their hands. They had murdered the Roman leader in an effort to save the Republic from Caesar's aspirations for sole power† (McGill, Sarah Ann) In spring of 44 BCE Augustus formerly known as Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus, or Octavious for short, became ruler of Rome.Adopted by Julius Caesar after traveling alongside him for many years and throughout many battles, being the only male relative and it being written in Caesars will, Augustus was heir to the throne and quickly began making an impact on roman society. â€Å"Caesar Augustus rose from near obscurity to become the most powerful man Rome had ever seen, and he became perhaps the single most important figure in Rome's long history. † (Sizgorich, Tom. â€Å"Augustus) Starting his reign at age 18, very young and inexperienced he would have to gain the trust and support of the empire as a whole.Very intuitively and keen, he started at the base of it all, the people. Initiating public games loved by them as a source of entertainment, when a comet flew by on the first day, everyone took it as Caesar’s soul ascending to the heavens, this greatly helped win his popularity among his great uncles army he left and also made him allies within the senate. But with allies, would come opponents, one man in particular, Mark Antony, whom was a close ally with Caesar and fought against the party that assassinated him.Tensions between the two were short after they formed a group to eliminate opposing forces such as the one that killed Caesar, lead by Marcus Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus. â€Å"The alliance between Antony and Octavian could not last, however; after the defeat of the conspirators, Octavian set about building a base of support for himself among the Romans, anticipating the confrontation with Antony that he knew would come. † (Sizgorich, Tom. â€Å"Augustus) â€Å"Octavian began preparing to confront Antony. Antony had angered many Romans because of his relationship with the queen of Egypt, Cleopatra.Octavian took advantage of this anger to gain further support against Antony. † (â€Å"Augustus, Caesar Octavianus. † Ancient Greece and Rome) Acute and sharp as he was, Augustus began to realize the roman public was outraged that Antony had been willingly manipulated by queen Cleopatra of Egypt. He set out to defeat Antony and Cleopatra’s army. When he finally did so, the couple committed suicide and allowed Augustus to finally have full control over all of Rome. He did not want to rule as his uncle did, so in order to convince the public and senate he would not do so he, articulated the â€Å"Princep† title.Deriving from Latin meaning â€Å"first citizen† suggesting that he held only the same power as all others in the senate, but no one was to be above him in ruling. Augustus wasted no time as sole leader of Rome, he extended the borders, instituted construction of new buildings, water systems and roads. He maintained public order and law, supported writers such as Virgil and Livy to bring back more traditional Roman values, and introduced a new religion to society, â€Å"Christianity. † At one point he offered to relinquish a ll of his power to the senate, but they would not oblige.In fact they revered him even more and allotted him with the title Augustus, which is when he adopted the name and dropped the name Octavious. Augustus proclaimed that he had â€Å"found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble. † (â€Å"Augustus, Caesar Octavianus. † Ancient Greece and Rome) By the end of his rule, Rome was flourishing, rich and prosperous was the whole empire. Lined with armies protecting all borders, creating a safe environment for all of Rome, it has been deemed â€Å"Rome’s Golden Age† or â€Å"Pax Romana† and was the period in time when the civilization experienced the most peace and prosperity.Augustus passed away in AD 14 and Tiberius took control over Rome as his stepson. It is easy to see how Augustus was named Person of the year, he accomplished more in his lifetime than any other individual I can name Reforming government and military, restoring Roman tr aditions and values, and vastly expanding the empire. And gaining the love and support of the people, the senate, and the army at the same time, it’s no wonder why the senate held him at the level of a god when he passed. Works Cited * â€Å"Augustus, Caesar Octavianus. Ancient Greece and Rome: An Encyclopedia for Students. Ed. Carroll Moulton. Vol. 1. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1998. 87-91. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 14 Oct. 2012. * Sizgorich, Tom. â€Å"Augustus. † World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2012. Web. 14 Oct. 2012 * McGill, Sarah Ann. â€Å"Augustus. † Augustus (2009): 1. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 14 Oct. 2012. * â€Å"Augustus, Caesar Octavianus. † Ancient Greece and Rome: An Encyclopedia for Students. Ed. Carroll Moulton. Vol. 1.New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1998. 87-91. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. * Fears, J. Rufus. â€Å"Augustus. † Encyclopedia of Religion. Ed. Lindsay Jones. 2nd ed. Vol. 2. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. 630-631. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 15 Oct. 2012 * Dunstan, William E. Ancient Rome. n. p. : Rowman & Littlefield, 2011. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 15 Oct. 2012 (I was not able to log into this EBook the whole time I have been writing this paper, but you have it down as a required cite. )

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Successful Adoption of Strategic Management Principle Research Paper

Successful Adoption of Strategic Management Principle - Research Paper Example Strategic analysis is the most important and first component of the strategic management process. It starts with analyzing the internal and external environments and the situation wherein the organization matches those environments (Hunger & Wheelen, 2000). After the completion of the strategic analysis, formulation of strategy follows. This requires establishing the strengths of the organization to choose which strategies can be put into practice. The third stage is the strategic implementation. It requires actualizing or executing the formulated strategy (Hunger & Wheelen, 2000). The last stage requires monitoring the outcomes of an implemented strategy. This strategic review is basically similar to strategic analysis, observing the external and internal environments and the situation (Hunger & Wheelen, 2000) of the organization to decide if a plan should be reconstructed. Strategic management contributes largely to the long-term success of an organization. It is effective in the s ense that it improves organizational outcomes through a structured process of strategic planning. However, strategic planning is not without cost or difficulties. It is difficult to perform; requires extensive knowledge and rigour; and without the right managerial leadership, it will not be able to maintain the participation of others in the organization (Hill & Jones, 2009). The process of strategic planning will fail if there is no genuine and sustained involvement. However, if an organization chooses not to undergo strategic planning it will generate opportunity costs.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Community -oriented plan of care Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Community -oriented plan of care - Assignment Example Interventions- 1. The community will try an aspirin regimen for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. 2. The community will try Behavioral Counseling in primary care to learn how to promote a healthy diet. 3. The community will screen for high blood pressure in adults. 4. The community will also screen for Lipid disorders in the adults. Community Interventions- 1. The community will attend and participate in Behavioral and Social Approaches to increase physical activity. 2. The community members will try to adapt the methods learned to meet their individual health behavior. 3. The community will attend and participate in various Social Supportive Interventions in community settings. 4. The community will learn how to build and organize campaigns and informational approaches to increasing physical activity to decrease heart disease in their neighborhoods. Activities that community members will learn in Behavioral Counseling 1. The community will learn to talk with others about how they can change their lifestyles. 2. The community will learn how to shop for food in a healthy manner. 3. The community will learn that drinking alcoholic beverages in moderation will decrease heart disease. 4. ... 8. The community will learn about various exercise programs and to find one that works for them. 9. The community will learn how to encourage each other in losing the unwanted weight, 10. The community will learn how to lower sodium in their diets through lectures and practice. 11. The community will learn how to read and understand what is on a food label. 12. The community will also learn how reduce stroke. 13. The community will learn how to keep men interested in their health status. Worksite Programs In the communities’ workplaces they will learn how to increase their knowledge about healthy diet and physical exercise through lectures, written materials either print or online. There will also be educational software available. The workplace can also offer Behavioral and Social Strategies to promote awareness and self-efficacy. They can also offer individual and group counseling to teach these skills and to learn about cue control, rewards, and other reinforcement. They ca n also learn to include all the coworkers and to involve the family members to help build support systems. The worksite can also learn to change Policy and Environmental approaches to making proper healthy choices for their employees and their families. In this part they will learn how to change food choices in the cafeteria and/or in the vending machines. They can also learn how to initiate on-site exercise facilities. Cost-effectiveness Estimates were from three studies One showed two had weight loss One showed that a physical fitness program was started One showed that money varied in what it could cost per person-($1.44 to $4.16 per pound of loss in body weight. Assessment in learning about Heart Disease and how to improve healthy living In learning anything one must have the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Demand Media Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Demand Media - Case Study Example Technologies like mobile apps have hit the market and have been a challenge to Demand Media. This can be reversed when those opportunities are used to create mobile apps. Their websites were created with an aim of performing a specific task or for a specific audience. Apps are, however, replicating these ideas. Demand Media can come up with algorithms and deice the mobile applications. (Chang1; 7) Sales and marketing is one area that is more promising. Analysis indicates that income levels increased from 15,400,000 to 24,400,000 from 2008 to 2010. (Chang 13)Most of the companies are using their websites to offer their services and even sell their products. For instance, will provide customers with tips on creating business plans and will offer travelling tips (Chang14-15). Social websites have received a lot of traffic recently, according to a survey by Demand Media, yahoo and Google sites are among the top websites that receive highest number of unique visitors per month (A.Chang, 2015, pg. 12). If this numbers continue to grow at the same rate, then it means that demand media will have a more promising

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

ECONOMICS FOR GLOBAL BUSINESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

ECONOMICS FOR GLOBAL BUSINESS - Essay Example The average annual growth of the Chinese economy has been around 10% in the last few years. The growth and expansion of the economy of China can be credited to the array of economic reforms that have been taken up in the country in the last few years. These economic reforms have made the Chinese economy more production oriented and has supported the increase in the production capacity of the nation. Presently, the government of China is focusing on developing a wide array of macroeconomic policies in the country which would support the accelerated growth of the nation and strengthen the economic system of the nation as well. China aims at maintaining the stability and innovativeness in its macroeconomic policies. The macroeconomic policies of China including both the monetary and fiscal policies are prudent and proactive. The central aim of the government of China is to support the economic growth and development through the management of the macroeconomic demand. Also, the country w ants to respond adequately to the fluctuations in the domestic as well as the global business conditions through the introduction of effective and innovative macroeconomic policies. These macroeconomic policies have enabled the nation to prevent a build up of financial risks and inflationary pressures on the economy and also sustain the local employment levels. The macroeconomic policies of China are mainly formulated by the government of China and the Peoples’ Bank of China which is the central bank operating in the country. As in the case of other economies, the policymakers of China also employ a wide number of varied regulatory, monetary and fiscal policies. However, the operations of these macroeconomic policies are significantly different from the operations of the macroeconomic policies in the developed economies of the world. These differences can be mainly found in the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Choose one out of three in the instructions Essay

Choose one out of three in the instructions - Essay Example e against Gay Marriage,† focuses on the potential negative effects of same-sex marriage on the educational and psychological development of children and how same-sex marriage is against liberalism. Thus, the main objections of the dissidents of same sex marriage are: 1) gay marriage should be illegal, because homosexual behavior is immoral (Ferguson 39), 2) allowing gay marriage will put a â€Å"stamp of approval† on gay conduct (Rajczi 488), 3) legalizing gay marriage is illiberal (Shell), and 4) same-sex marriage will weaken traditional marriage and produce a wide array of social harms (Nussbaum; Shell). This paper provides counterarguments to these main arguments of those against same-sex marriage. The central rebuttal argument for this paper answers the question: Should gay marriages be allowed? The previous paragraph shows the major arguments of those against marriage. This paper presents counterarguments to the validity and credibility of these claims. It will provide an overview of the arguments against gay marriage, which will be countered one by one. Gay marriages should be allowed, because not all immoral actions have been sanctioned by the government; gay marriage is not against liberalism; gay conduct is an example of free speech act that the Constitution protects; and researchers against same-sex marriage have not provided concrete empirical evidence that same-sex marriage is bad for gay spouses, children, and society in general. First, opponents of gay marriage argue that gay marriage should be illegal, because homosexual behavior is immoral (Ferguson 39; Whitehead 74). The state, however, is expected to treat all citizens as equals. When asked, â€Å"What does it mean for the government to treat its citizens as equals?† Ronald Dworkin eminently answers that â€Å"government must be neutral on what might be called the questions of the good life† (Barry 335). This pledge of neutrality is captured in the â€Å"Basic Principle† of liberalism: â€Å"The

Monday, September 23, 2019

Final term paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Final term paper - Essay Example Natural resources like water supplies, fisheries, forests, mineral products, timber, and even the air should be maintained sustainably so these resources can recover and be renewable for years to come. It is an imperative need to use natural resources in a wise and prudent way for survival. Richard Buckminster Fuller is a famous inventor, systems theorist, designer, architect, and more notably, also a futurist who once remarked that â€Å"normal Man is designed to be a success and the Universe gets designed to support that success. Man is essential to the success of the Universe itself† (Fuller, 1967). From Fuller’s perspective, Man and Universe are co-existent and need each other for support and success. Man should achieve success via the Universe and the Universe requires Man to make it a better place. The Universe and Man exist in synergy and through their interaction each becomes successful; there is a mutually beneficial relationship and this Fuller quote indicates or implies a symbiosis. In other words, it connotes the impression Man is designed for success and it is only up to him to secure that success. The default mode for Man is to be successful and any failure is again up to him only; there is no one to blame but Man if something goes horribly wrong. Fuller’s thinking is Manifested in his architectural designs. Discussion Although Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) has Many great contributions to science, design, engineering, and architecture, his most famous and iconic design is the geodesic dome which is composed of a shell- or lattice-structure superimposed with a network of spheres or circles on the surface of a much larger sphere. This design is reminiscent of an eggshell which is considered as one of Nature’s most efficient designs ever because it maximizes its utility and at the same minimizes the use of raw materials or natural resources to achieve a utilitarian design. In other words, it extracts and exploits natural resources at Man’s disposal but minimizes damage to the environment by using only what is required as absolutely necessary. The Universe provides Man with the natural resources he or she requires for survival and success. The Universe provides Man for all his basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing by providing him with all forms of material things and the energy required to transform these things. Natural resources such as water and land enable Man to become creative in ways so he or she can make use of them to become socially and economically successful. A normal Man would take advantage of the resources offered by the Universe to catapult him or her to success but this is to be taken not literally but only figuratively. Man should use his or her resources wisely. The wise of use of resources is conceptualized and evidenced by the development of geodesics which is the scientific and academic discipline involving the study of how to form an enclosed space that is strong, lightweight, curved or spherical in shape that gives a rare stability to a structure and more importantly, provides or encloses the greatest volume with a least surface area required; in other words, this design makes good use of the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Tutankhamun Essay Example for Free

Tutankhamun Essay How useful and reliable are Source A and ONE other source in relation to the information and/ or implications they provide about the role of the New Kingdom Pharaoh and the society at the time, especially in regards to religion and/ or important events or issues at the time? Source A and Source D provide reliable information on the role of the New Kingdom Pharaoh, Tutankhamun and the society at the time in regards to religion and issues of the time. Source A shows the religious aspects such as the use of both Amun and Aten names and Source D shows the issues of the time such as invasion/ warfare. In Source A the image shown is the â€Å"Golden Throne† also known as King Tutankhamun’s coronation throne. The image on the backrest of the chair depicts Tutankhamun being rubbed with ointment by his wife under the â€Å"arms† of Aten. The text on the chair when translated reveals that both Amun and Aten names are used for Tutankhamun and his wife. This represents the transitional period from having one singular god- Aten, back to the old religion- Amun and may be an indication as stated by Howard Carter that both religions lived together in peace- â€Å"It is curious to say the least of it, that an object which has such manifest signs of heresy upon it should be publicly buried in this the stronghold of the Amun faith†¦it would appear that Tut-ankh-amun’s return to the ancient faith was not entirely a matter of conviction-it is possible that the alteration in the Aten names was sufficient to appease the sectarians and that there was no need for secrecy. The designs on the Throne are also a representation of the changing times. The period is referred to the Amarna Age. It is a different style to which traditional art was made and represents the transition from old to new- the sculptures and paintings were done with naturalism and spontaneity. This style of art included more portraits of their natural existence. Source D is an image of Tutankhamun’s Hunting and Warfare Chest. On this chest there are two main images depicted, the first on the lid, front and back of the box which shows Tutankhamun in a chariot with a bow and arrow fighting and crushing black and Asiatic enemies. On the sides of the chest the second image depicted is that of Tutankhamun’s head on a lions body, treading and crushing the bodies of his enemies. These images are portrayals of the issues that the Egyptians may have faced during the time period such as invasion and concurring.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The detective genre Essay Example for Free

The detective genre Essay During the era of Queen Victoria, when flickering gas lamps lit the squalid streets casting an eerie shadow, a soon to be well known compilation of stories belonging to Detective genre were being published. They were the first of their kind, and were created by Arthur Conan Doyle. His stories became so well known, that soon after writing his stories, Arthur Conan Doyle was knighted by Queen Victoria herself. Doyles stories called The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, became legendary, as Doyle had created an original fictional pipe-smoking character, called Sherlock Holmes, whose job, it was to solve crimes. This was ironic at the time, due to the simple fact, an infamous murderer, Jack the Ripper, was loose on the streets of London, attacking women. He knifed and ruthlessly murdered many prostitutes. Unfortunately, the police could not catch him and their methods were seen as inefficient. Conversely, when Sherlock Holmes, surfaced in 1887 many of the Victorians fell for the fictional character, as he became the perfect detective, by cracking every case bought to him. Many believe that Sherlock Holmes was the answer to their problems as many Victorians held a deep resentment towards the police, as they did not appear to be protecting the public. The time in which Doyle published his creations was very important to his great success, as the nation was developing and many more people were soon become wealthier. Furthermore, the introduction of compulsory schooling in the 1870 meant that many people soon became literate which meant even more Victorians had a great chance to read Doyles work. Also, as for the developing middle class, they had much more leisure time and more time to read, at free libraries as they were being established in many towns and cities in Britain. This offered more reading material to entertain the Victorians. These factors help Doyles success, and so did the use of forensic science. As forensic science was only just developing, Sherlock Holmes was the first fictional detective to use methods of finger printing. This he uses on many occasions, but in The Beryl Coronet one of Doyles most famous stories, he visits the crime scene and collects a set of fingerprints off the window seal. This is ironic because the police officers, which have already investigated the crime, do not collect a set of fingerprints. Due to their lack of expertise, the police arrests Arthur Holder, ironically, their judgement is flow, and with the help of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Holder is found to be innocent. Sherlock Holmes reassures the readers those crimes, can be solved and justice will be done. In effect this builds up the publics confidence in him. The Sherlock Holmes compilations are engaging to their audience as most of the stories include the main features necessary for detective fiction, which are: victims, suspects, villains, clues, red herrings and a detective. The detective has the most important role in the whole story, as it is him, who has to engage the readers to stay focused in the story line. In order for this to work the writer has to add mystery, confidence and intelligence to his character. Doyle in his creation of Sherlock Holmes uses his own medical knowledge and background to create such an extraordinary character like Holmes.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Country PESTEL Analysis: Iran

Country PESTEL Analysis: Iran Despite political and economic ups and downs and uncertainties IRAN remains one of the Middle East top countries when it comes to the growth potential. With largest young population IRAN is considered one of the best export markets in the region. POLITICAL: Unique factor is that it is religious and Islamic. The political system of Islamic republic is based on 1979 constitution. Accordingly it is duty of Islamic government to furnish all citizens with equal and appropriate opportunities. The white revolution which is a step taken with a view to strengthening the foundation of the despotic regime and to maintain the economic links. The tax environment for foreign businesses is highly risky. The corporate tax rate has been lowered to a flat 25% from the previous maximum of about 60. The fiscal year starts on March 21 and ends on March 20 of other year. TYPES OF TAX Income tax Islamic taxes Real estate taxes Capital gain tax Indirect taxes ECONOMICAL FACTORS: Inflation rate for IRAN is 13.50% for year 2010 while in 2009 it was 25.60%. It is transition economy with large public sector and estimated 50% of economy centrally planned. A unique feature is the large size of religious foundations whose combined budget makes up more than 30% of central government. Unemployment rate is 11.80%. According to official estimates some 3.5 million working age Iranians are currently unemployed. The jobless rate is high among women and youth of Islamic republic. GDP- real growth rate is 1.50%. GDP per capita is $ 4732. It is 18th largest economy purchasing power parity. Irans non-oil exports, excluding gas condensates to the Gulf Cooperation Council [GCC] were valued at $2.281 billion during the first 9 months of the current Iranian calendar year (March-December, 2010), showing 25 percent over the same period last year. The economic growth prospect for IRAN in 2011 is 3.2%. Prospects for both developing and high income economies of Middle East and North Africa should improve through 2011. Oil prices are expected to remain broadly stable over the forecast period, at around $75 a barrel.  Strong global activity is allowing crude oil to return positive growth. Oil prices are expected to remain stable over forecast period at $75 per barrel. GDP growth for developing oil exporters should reach 3.1 and 3.7 percent, respectively, in 2010 and 2011. Basic statistics and population Physical areas: Area of the country 164 800 000 ha Cultivable area 51 000 000 ha Annual crops 12 106 644 ha Permanent crops 1 686 619 ha Population: Total population 60 050 000 inhabitants Population density 36.4 inhab./km ² Rural population 38.3 % Water supply coverage: Urban population 95 % Rural population 86 % EXPORTS in IRAN   Below are the top 10 U.S. exports to Iran during the first 5 months of 2010. Soybeans à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $50.3 million, up 3.2% from 2009 (54.7% of total) Chemical wood pulp à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $11.4 million, up 87.7% (12.4%) Other acrylic polymers à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $4.5 million, down 21.1% (4.9%) Other blood fractions à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $3.6 million, down 38.4% (3.9%) Bovine semen à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $3.4 million, up 90.9% (3.7%) Multiple vitamins à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $2 million, down 33.3% (2.2%) Patient monitoring systems à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $1.5 million, up 93.5% (1.7%) Other vitamins including natural concentrates à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $1.49 million, up from nil in 2009 (1.6%) Insulin and its salts à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $1.4 million, up from nil (1.5%) Heparin and its salts à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $1.1 million, down 81.3% (1.2%). Mostly agricultural and medical items, the top U.S. exports above represent 87.9% of all American shipments to Iran. IMPORTS in IRAN U.S. imports from Iran amounted to $29.6 million during the first 5 months of 2010, up 3.2% from 2009. Hand-hooked carpets  of wool or fine animal hair à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ U.S.$16.9 million, up 8.2% (61.7% of total) Berry juice à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $4 million, up 10,757% (13.5%) Shelled pistachios à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $1.3 million, up 148.8% (4.4%) Ancient antiques à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ 1.2 million, down 72.9% (4.1%) Untufted or unflocked man-made fiber carpets à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $805,000 up 520.8% (2.7%) Hand-knotted textile carpets à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $612,000 down 67.4% (2.1%) Hand-woven wool carpets à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $402,000 down 11.2% (1.4%) Fresh or dried figs à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $300,000 up 418% (1%) Hand-inserted pile carpets of wool or fine animal hair à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $274,000 up 1,543% (0.9%) Saffron à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $270,000 up 69.4% (0.9%). The above products represent 92.7% of all Iranian imports into the United States so far in 2010. Iranian carpets remain among the most popular imported items from Iran. SOCIAL FACTORS Government and people are not working together. Chances are much that Taliban is able to strengthen the base.   The nuclear laboratory that is functional here is also a cause of big tension. Obama administration is making the other countries of the world to also bring their attention towards Iran and come out with the ways in which it could be subjected to rebuilding its view towards Iran.   In Iran, the family is the basis of the social structure.   The concept of family is more private than in many other cultures. Female relatives must be protected from outside influences and are taken care of at all times. It is inappropriate to ask questions about an Iranians wife or other female relatives.   Loyalty to the family comes before other social relationship, even business. Iranians see themselves as having two distinct identities: zaher (public) and batin (private).   When they are in public, they must conform to accepted modes of behaviour. It is only within their homes among their inner circle that they feel free to be themselves. Family members are always part of the inner circle.   The inner circle forms the basis of a persons social and business network. Friendship is very important and extends into business. The people from the inner circle can be relied upon to: offer advice, help find a job, or cut through bureaucracy. HEALTH AND WELFARE Health conditions have been improved after World War 2. Many of the disease such as small pox, cholera have been wiped out. Public hospitals are there which provides treatment to the poor. All health services are supervised by ministry of health, Treatment and medical education. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS Nanotechnology in fields helping to make best quality products at lower cost. IT companies collaborating to access the market. Inventions and innovation rate. Mechanization trend in the country. Irans apparently clandestine efforts to build a nuclear weapons program are a major foreign policy challenge for the Obama administration. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Vehicles emissions, refinery operations, industrial effluents which contribute to por air quality. Most cars here use leaded gas and lack emission control equipment. Buses and cars running on natural gas are planned to replace the existing public transportation fleet in nature. Iran is suffering from overgrazing and deforestation. Wet land and bodies of fresh water are being destroyed as industries are increasing. It contends that the international rush to develop oil and gas reserves in the Caspian Sea presents that region with a new set of environmental threats. To evaluate the prevalence of overweight and obesity among Iranian adolescents and their relationship with modifiable environmental factors. POTENTIAL SOURCES USING PORTER IRAN first nuclear power which has born after many years. Russia is helping IRAN for launching nuclear power. Iran is already an irritant and potential source of crisis in Turkish-American relations. Ankara has significant economic ties and energy contracts with Tehran. The total trade volume between the two countries is $10 billion and expected to double in the next three years given Turkeys growing need for natural gas and willingness to lessen its dependence on Russia. With continued Israeli threats to attack Irans nuclear program Iran has a right to defend its skies against attackers. Iran has signed an arms deal with the Russian Roso boron export arms group to buy 250 Su-30 MKM warplanes and 20 Il-78 MKI aerial tankers. THREATS The US is dispatching Patriot defensive missiles to four countries Qatar, united Arab,  Bahrain  and  Kuwait   and keeping two ships in the Gulf capable of shooting down Iranian missiles. ANALYSIS IRAN is one of the few major economies that have kept positive growth despite 2009 global financial crisis and international sanctions relating to nuclear power. Distortion resulting from combination of price control and subsidies particularly on food and energy continues to weigh down the economy. There is wide spread corruption relating to private growth. High oil prices this year have enabled IRAN to amass US$100 billion in foreign exchange reserves. But there is still double digit unemployment and inflation in economy. GDP growth for developing oil exporters reached 3.1 and 3.7 percent, respectively, in 2010 and 2011. BIBLOGRAPHY

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Fluids And Hydration :: essays research papers

How important are fluids? Fluid replacement is probably the most important nutritional concern for athletes. Approximately 60% of your body weight is water. As you exercise, fluid is lost through your skin as sweat and through your lungs when you breathe. If this fluid is not replaced at regular intervals during exercise, you can become dehydrated. When you are dehydrated, you have a smaller volume of blood circulating through your body. Consequently, the amount of blood your heart pumps with each beat decreases and your exercising muscles do not receive enough oxygen from your blood. Soon exhaustion sets in and your athletic performance suffers. If you have lost as little as 2% of your body weight due to dehydration, it can adversely affect your athletic performance. For example, if you are a 150-pound athlete and you lose 3 pounds during a workout, your performance will start to suffer unless you replace the fluid you have lost. Proper fluid replacement is the key to preventing dehydration and reducing the risk of heat injury during training and competition. How can I prevent dehydration? The best way to prevent dehydration is to maintain body fluid levels by drinking plenty of fluids before, during, and after a workout or race. Often athletes are not aware that they are losing body fluid or that their performance is being impacted by dehydration. If you are not sure how much fluid to drink, you can monitor your hydration using one of these methods. 1.Weight: Weigh yourself before practice and again after practice. For every pound you lose during the workout you will need to drink 2 cups of fluid to rehydrate your body. 2.Urine color: Check the color of your urine. If it is a dark gold color like apple juice, you are dehydrated. If you are well hydrated, the color of your urine will look like pale lemonade. Thirst is not an accurate indicator of how much fluid you have lost. If you wait until you are thirsty to replenish body fluids, then you are already dehydrated. Most people do not become thirsty until they have lost more than 2% of their body weight. And if you only drink enough to quench your thirst, you may still be dehydrated. Keep a water bottle available when working out and drink as often as you want, ideally every 15 to 30 minutes. High school and junior high school athletes can bring a water bottle to school and drink between classes and during breaks so they show up at workouts hydrated. What about sport drinks? Researchers have found that sports drinks containing between 6%

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Rabies Prevention :: Biology Medical Biomedical Disease

Rabies Prevention This writing is mainly about the vaccines or the products that can be used to prevent Rabies. Its states the names of a couple of vaccines such as preexposure phophylaxis and Rabies immune globulin. And it explain how each of them work or what they do. It names some kinds of people who are at daily exposure or at risk of obtaining Rabies. It also says who long the Rabies immune globulin has effect. Rabies is a very dangerous thing once you get it, because once you get the symptoms for Rabies there is nothing anyone can do about it. There just isn’t any treatment after the symptoms have shown. But just a couple of years ago scientists made a vaccine that can cause immunity after it is given to the patients. There is two different periods it can be used. One is used before the person gets Rabies and the other is used while the person already has Rabies. The one that is used before the person has Rabies is called Preexposure prophylaxis. And the one that is used while the person has Rabies is called Postexposure prophylaxis. Even though Rabies are rare to humans it is estimated that 18,000 people are vaccinated with Preexposure prophylaxis and 40,000 people are vaccinated for Postexposure prophylaxis in a yearly basis. Preexposure prophylaxis is usually given to people in daily risk of obtaining Rabies such as animal handlers, veterinarians and some laboratory workers. It could maybe even be given to a person who comes across or in contact withan infested animal and people who study Rabies or the vaccines for Rabies. People who have been vaccinated for rabies in a period of six months must get a, (serum), blood test for antibody and receive a bit more vaccine. Even though some people feel secure after receiving the preexposure vaccination, its good for them to know that bu using this vaccination it doesn’t eliminate the need fore different medication but it helps by eliminating the need for Rabies immune globulin reducing the doses needed of this vaccination. The vaccines can help by causing immunity in a person whose postexposure might be delayed. And by providing protection from exposure to Rabies. In the United States there is two types of immunizing product against Rabies. One of them is the rabies vaccines which gives the body an active response that produces neutralizing antibodies. And the other is Rabies immune globuling (RIG) which even though it provides a quick immunizing result it is estimated to last 19-21 days which is a very short period of time with the effect. Rabies Prevention :: Biology Medical Biomedical Disease Rabies Prevention This writing is mainly about the vaccines or the products that can be used to prevent Rabies. Its states the names of a couple of vaccines such as preexposure phophylaxis and Rabies immune globulin. And it explain how each of them work or what they do. It names some kinds of people who are at daily exposure or at risk of obtaining Rabies. It also says who long the Rabies immune globulin has effect. Rabies is a very dangerous thing once you get it, because once you get the symptoms for Rabies there is nothing anyone can do about it. There just isn’t any treatment after the symptoms have shown. But just a couple of years ago scientists made a vaccine that can cause immunity after it is given to the patients. There is two different periods it can be used. One is used before the person gets Rabies and the other is used while the person already has Rabies. The one that is used before the person has Rabies is called Preexposure prophylaxis. And the one that is used while the person has Rabies is called Postexposure prophylaxis. Even though Rabies are rare to humans it is estimated that 18,000 people are vaccinated with Preexposure prophylaxis and 40,000 people are vaccinated for Postexposure prophylaxis in a yearly basis. Preexposure prophylaxis is usually given to people in daily risk of obtaining Rabies such as animal handlers, veterinarians and some laboratory workers. It could maybe even be given to a person who comes across or in contact withan infested animal and people who study Rabies or the vaccines for Rabies. People who have been vaccinated for rabies in a period of six months must get a, (serum), blood test for antibody and receive a bit more vaccine. Even though some people feel secure after receiving the preexposure vaccination, its good for them to know that bu using this vaccination it doesn’t eliminate the need fore different medication but it helps by eliminating the need for Rabies immune globulin reducing the doses needed of this vaccination. The vaccines can help by causing immunity in a person whose postexposure might be delayed. And by providing protection from exposure to Rabies. In the United States there is two types of immunizing product against Rabies. One of them is the rabies vaccines which gives the body an active response that produces neutralizing antibodies. And the other is Rabies immune globuling (RIG) which even though it provides a quick immunizing result it is estimated to last 19-21 days which is a very short period of time with the effect.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Theories of Creationism and Evolution

Creationism is the belief that all life and matter on this planet was created by a god or supreme being. It states that a god is the creator of all, and that he (or she) created everything out of nothing. This is a strong belief of many, and seriously contradicts scientific thinking. One can not mention creationism and not say something about the Bible s creation story. It takes place over seven days in which God creates the universe out of nothing. And the earth was without shape and void (genesis 1:1) The breakdown of creation is as follows: Day 1 God made light and separated it from the dark, making day and night. Day 2 God created the water below and the sky above. Day 3 God made earth and made plants grow on it in abundance. Day 4 God created the moon, the sun, the stars and the planets. Day 5 God made the birds of the sky and the creatures of the deep seas. Day 6 God created the animals and the human beings of earth. Day 7 God rested after work. This explanation of creation is preached in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Ever since the idea of evolution came about, (see Part II) creation scientist, have been trying to prove their theory over evolution. They cite these major issues: 1. There are no transitional links and intermediate forms in either the fossil record or the modern world, which means, there is no actual evidence that evolution has occurred either in the past or the present. 2. Natural selection (the supposed evolution mechanism, along with mutations) is incapable of advancing an organism to a â€Å"higher-order. 3. Although evolutionists state that life resulted from non-life, matter resulted from nothing, and humans resulted from animals, each of these is an impossibility of science and the natural world. 4. The supposed hominids (creatures in-between ape and human that evolutionists believe used to exist) bones and skull record used by evolutionists often consists of `findsÙŽ which are thoroughly unrevealing and inconsistent. They are neither clear nor conclusive even though evolutionists present them as if they were. 5. Nine of the twelve popularly supposed hominids are actually extinct apes/ monkeys and not part human at all. 6. The final three supposed hominids put forth by evolutionists are actually modern human beings and not part monkey/ ape at all. Therefore, all twelve of the supposed hominids can be explained as being either fully monkey/ ape or fully modern human but not as something in between. 7. The rock strata finds (layers of buried fossils) are better explained by a universal flood than by evolution. Using these and other arguments, Creationists (those who believe in creationism) have fought for what they believe and so far have made some interesting impacts in the nation and around the world. For instance, recently in Kansas, the school board decreed that evolution was to be taken off the science curriculum. It was not to be taught. At all. Part II Evolution: The belief that all life evolved, or mutated into what it is today. Charles Darwin started off the whole evolution revolution after studying creatures in the Galapagos Islands. He published his controversial book, The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, which appeared in 1859. Darwin is hailed as the father of modern theories of evolution. Common usage of the word â€Å"evolution† is the idea that living things in our world have come into being through unguided natural processes starting from a primeval soup of subatomic particles and radiation, over approximately 20 billion years. The idea of evolution that was stated above can be infinitely explained using a combination of the following four studies: 1. Cosmology is the branch of astronomy that deals with the origin and formation of the general structure of the universe. 2. Abiogenesis refers to first life, which is the production of living things from inanimate matter. 3. Macro-evolution or general evolution refers the progression to more complex forms of life. The way of macro-evolution, including whether or not micro-evolution over a long enough time leads to macro-evolution, can be regarded as a â€Å"research topic.† 4. Micro-evolution or speciation refers to population and species change throughout time. There are many examples of speciation, if by the development of a new â€Å"species† we are referring to development of a new population of creatures which will not breed with the original population to produce viable offspring. Micro-evolution is a scientific fact which no one, including creationists, can dispute. The accepted ways if explaining micro-evolution are â€Å"mutation† and â€Å"natural selection.† Mutations are â€Å"mistakes† in the genetic material used for reproduction, which can occur for many reasons (example: as a result of exposure to radiation.) Naturally occurring mutations are very rare, and it is understood that the ones that do occur, almost all have a bad effect. The occasional positive mutation, giving some benefit to the organism, provides the â€Å"new material† for natural selection to work with. Natural selection is based on the thought that there is variation among creatures in a population. Natural selection says that those individuals who have some advantage in their environment (such as being a faster runner, having a better camouflage, etc.) are more likely to have more offspring, which makes the probability of passing the advantage on to future generations. The Peppered Moth (Biston betularia) is typically a whitish moth covered with black spots. This coloring gives an effective camouflage for the moths as they sit on some kinds of birch trees. Like people, however, these moths can be found in a range of colors from very black to very white and all the shades in between. In a famous study in England it was found that when the white trees, on which the moths sat, became dirty (dark) from pollution, birds ate more of the lighter moths, apparently missing the darker ones because of their blending in with the trees. It was no surprise that the population of darker moths increased while the lighter ones decreased. Later on, when the city got together some better pollution laws the trees returned to a lighter color. Along with this, the lighter moths proliferated and the darker ones dwindled in numbers. This is clearly natural selection in action, but is it evolution? Not really, unless natural variation within species that happens in all plants and animals is called â€Å"evolution.† The problem with calling this type of variation evolution is that it is very limited. There are, for example, over 150 breeds of dogs recognized by the AKC and more are added each year, but they are all dogs. You can select for dogs with long ears or short ears, go for big dogs or small dogs, but you can’t select for dogs with flippers. The reason is obvious, there are no genes for wings in the gene pool of the dog. Because of this, dogs will be remain dogs and Peppered Moths will be Peppered Moths. Part III Let the party begin: The fight and contrast of creationist ideas and those of evolutionists. The problem between the creationist and the evolutionists is that they have no common ground. Their theories are based on an all-or-nothing concept. If one is accepted, the other is discarded. That is just the way they are set up. Because of this, the battle rages on. Each side has had their triumphs and disappointments. Some of the best minds in the world are working to prove to all people that their ideas are better. For instance, some creationist argue there is not a single known case of a truly good mutation, one having no negative side effects. This can be easily argued with using the is not response that everybody remembers from early childhood. Unfortunately for the creationists, there is scientific evidence all science is based on theory. Theory can easily be debunked, depending on how the data is looked at. The war continues. In another instance creationists say that natural selection can only select: among already existing traits-it cannot create something new, such as dogs with wings. While this idea has not been proven false, it has not been proven true either. Evolutionists can dismiss this statement by saying that normal genetic changes take place and natural selection helps out. The spiral of argument is never ending. The reason that the two sides can never see eye to eye on anything goes beyond beliefs into semantics. Each side uses the word theory differently. Evolutionists see theory as a scientifically provable and repeatable series of circumstances. Creationists use the word theory as what someone thinks or supposes will happen. And so creationism can be called a theory equal to the theory of evolution. As far as anybody can see this struggle between these two camps has no finish. As long as there is no distinct evidence to prove one way or another, people will argue over these two theories and brainpower will be spent. Even if there were a conclusion to this battle, there would still be some who wouldn t believe, and so there would still be controversy. Who knows? Nothing can be proven.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Ethics. Cultural relativism and Divine command theory Essay

Ethics Introduction            Societies have different beliefs that are considered as the basis of their existence. They are the morals that govern the behaviour patterns and as far as the community is concerned, they also serve as the grounds of what is right and what is wrong. In philosophy, there are certain theories that have been formulated to describe extensively on the ethical virtues that the community upholds. They justify morality and immorality. The theories include; relativism, utilitarianism, divine command theory, deontology and virtue theory. This paper will focus on the five ethic theories by describing them and major solely on one theory that supersedes the others and justifying the reasons why it is commonly considered. Relativism            Cultural relativism is the descriptive view that different groups of people or cultures, have different ways of evaluating what is right and what is wrong. In different cultures, even when we would anticipate to agree on some issues of morality, diversity is evident (Ruth, 2010). Ethical relativism, an action is right or wrong depending on the moral norms that are practised in a society. Cultural relativism describes the way people actually behave, while ethical relativism describes the fact that a society learns from the previous generation, how to behave, think and feel. A well -known evidence of cultural relativism is the way people behave around the world. For instance, eating beef is moral in USA while it is immoral in India, or killing new born females is moral in China and India whereas it is immoral in USA. Ethical relativism argues that the ethics of a society evolve with time and change to fit circumstances. This paper will focus on the five ethic theorie s by describing them and major solely on one theory that supersedes the others and justifying the reasons why it is commonly considered.            Utilitarianism states that an action being morally right or wrong is dependant wholly on its consequences. An action is right if the outcome is best and wrong if the outcome is bad. In this theory, an action is right if it promotes the happiness of the performer of the action and everyone affected by it (Boylan, 2009). An action is wrong if it brings the reverse of happiness, that is, pain and sadness. This theory makes it possible for the right thing to be done from a bad motive. The utilitarianism theory is often associated with John Stuart Mill, a philosopher who stated that â€Å"actions are right to the degree that they tend to promote the greatest good for the greatest number. Divine command theory            Divine command theory views that moral obligation consists in obedience to God’s commands. An act is moral if God commands us to do it and it is immoral if God prohibits us from doing it (Brown, 2001). Therefore to say that it is good to tell the truth is semantically equivalent to saying that God commands us to tell the truth. Similarly, to say that it is evil to steal is the same as saying that God prohibits us from stealing. The divine command theory is however wildly improbable for reasons demonstrated by the Euthyphic dilemma. As it states, â€Å"is an action morally good because God commands it or does God command it because it is morally good?† By saying that God commands an action because it morally good, threatens the independence of God. It means that the unprejudiced ground of morality is outside of God, and He is indebted to adhere to his standard, and thus He is not sovereign.The characteristic Christian rejoinder to the Euthyphro Dilemma is to ground goodness in God’s nature. Therefore, it is God’s nature to do good and He never acts divergent to His nature and also, the ground of morality is not some peripheral ordinary to which God must observe.            Deontological ethics can also be referred to as duty-based ethics. It arbitrates morality by scrutinising the nature of actions and the agents will instead of the goals achieved. For deontology, whether a situation is right or wrong depends on the action that resulted in the situation for example, a deontologist would argue that it is wrong to lie to a murderer about the location of a victim. As long as we are following our duties, we are behaving morally and vice versa. In order to make the correct moral choices, we must understand what our moral duties are and what correct rules exist to regulate those duties. Deontological theories have been named as formalist due to their central principle lying in the conformity of an action to some rule or law.            The first philosopher to define deontological principles was Immanuel Rant, who held that nothing is good deprived of experiences with the exception of a good will, which is one that wills to act in concurrence with the moral law and out of respect for that law, rather than out of natural dispositions. The important thing is whether the person is expressing good moral virtues or not. The issues whether the intention is right, the correct rule is being followed or whether the consequences of the action are good, are not relevant. A virtue atheist is likely to advise you to act in the same way as a virtuous person in the given situation. The character of a person is the outcome of his or her character traits which can either be good, bad or somewhere in the middle. Virtues are the admirable character traits while the opposites of virtues.            Ethical relativism indorses right and wrong rooted in an individual’s culture and not an individual’s beliefs whereas virtue ethics acquaints a person’s character as indication of inherent goodness, rather than gauging the results of actions executed by that person. It supports the theory that a bad person can have good actions. The motives of an action regulates the value or goodness of that person in spite of the outcome of the actionEthical relativism discards absolute moral values because of a lack of proof. People’s behaviour finds provision from where and how they live, unlike the virtue theory where people’s behaviour finds provision from their character traits and goodness.            According to utilitarian theory, the one thing that brands an act morally right or wrong is whether or not the consequences are beneficial. On the other hand, virtue ethics is of the impression that a morally right act in some state calls for a moral choice is what a virtuous person would do in that state. For example, if a person is sick and goes to the hospital for treatment, the doctor is morally right to kill the patient and give his organs to other patients who need them to survive. This, is in accordance to utilitarian theory. However, this is wrong because it is taking away someone’s right to live for the motive of making other people happy.            Even though deontology and utilitarianism are categorised as â€Å"ethics of conduct,† they differ in their ethical theory. Deontology indorses an action based on a moral law or code, while for utilitarianism an action that gives the best consequences or happiness to the action is right. Virtue ethics is categorised as â€Å"ethics of character† and it is focused on how people should be instead of the actions people should perform (Moore, 2009). Virtue ethics should be the ethical motivation in a person’s life. He or she should use levelheadedness abilities to regulate their duties based on virtues and also the universal rules and schemes that guarantee justice and fairness for everyone. Listening to one’s intuition in order to determine the greatest good as well as the virtues that will best serve the society is the best way to ensure this justice and fairness. A human being should not have right over another person’s life becaus e everyone is equal. References Ruth Benedict, Martin T.K 2010.. Patterns of Cultures. The Eagle publishers Boylan, M. (2009). Basic Ethics (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Brown, C. (2001). Ethical Theories Compared. Delaine publishers Moore, B. N., & Parker, R. (2009). Critical Thinking (9th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. Source document

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Plane – Creative Writing

Four pm Spanish time and we were in the Reus airport waiting to go home. We had really enjoyed ourselves in the sun, compared to wet and dreary Northern Ireland but we were really looking forward to getting home and seeing our family again. We had only been there about an hour when we were asked to go to the departure lounge. I thought this was great. We would be in the air promptly and I would see my friends before nightfall. We where flying with Monarch Airlines and we could see the plane over the horizon. As it was landing all that was in my mind were thoughts of home. The people were getting off the plane and they were rushing for the baggage reclaim. We could see our luggage being transported onto the plane and watched as it was being refuelled. As I took a look around I could see there were no engineers examining the plane. As we settled into our seats the Captain of the plane announced that we would be taking off within the next ten minutes. I was seated at the window, my sister next to me, my mum on the aisle and my dad in the next row. As the plane was powering up I became very nervous. The engines roared and it shot like a bullet along the runway and into the air. I looked out the window and watched. The airport became just a speck in the distance and I knew we were finally heading home. The cabin crew came along selling headphones for the televisions and I bought a pair and waited to see what was coming on. The TV sets came down but to my surprise they went back up, All the sets were doing this, up then down again and again. The cabin lights flickered and a cold mist came out of the ceiling, I thought this was very strange. We all knew by now something wasn't right. Then the Captain's speakers came on and he said in a frightful manner â€Å"could the cabin crew come to the cockpit for a briefing† I knew this was not normal. The speakers came on once more the captain saying, â€Å"I am sorry but we will have to return to Reus airport†. My heart started to pump faster. As he said that, the plane went over to the side. I looked out of the window and the ocean was like a magnet pulling the plane down. The Captain pulled back up again and the plane was going the opposite direction. I could see the airport that was just a spec and now was a safe-haven. The plane started its descent to the airport. As I peered out of the window the runway was getting closer. Then the right engine failed. I thought this was all right because we were almost on the ground. As I turned my head further round the window I saw fire engines and ambulances rushing down beside the plane. My hands gripped onto the arm of the chair like a vice on a piece of hard metal There were children crying but I couldn't, all I could do was watch the sky. The back wheels of the plane touched down and I held my breath for the final wheel touching the ground. As it did it was like Velcro sticking to the runway. The wheels screeched on the ground and the plane went off to the right and we came to an abrupt halt. Everyone on the plane was silent and all that could be heard were sirens. One man on the plane started demanding his baggage. Then the Captain announced that we had to go to the departure lounge. Anybody that was a smoker had started smoking on the plane. As we waited in the departure lounge all we were given was a free sandwich and a free drink. We were in the airport for two hours when a thunderstorm occurred. All I could think of was â€Å"it could only happen to me†. Then around an hour later the Captain came into the airport and announced that when we took off we had sprayed half our fuel supply over the runway. It was due to a burst fuel pipe and that was why we had such a bad landing. We were in the airport for a total of seven hours when we could hear a faint sound in the air. All the people came to the windows and looked out. In the distance we could see our new plane coming towards the airport through thunder and lightning. It looked like a superhero coming to our rescue as everybody cheered. As we got on the plane everyone was nervous. We went down the runway and into the air again. As this was happening you could almost hear everyone's heart beating. As we touched down in Belfast International Airport everyone cheered once more and the pilots wished us all a safe and happy onward journey.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Premature Rupture of Membranes Essay

When the fluid is lost the cord and fetus can be compressed causing decelerations in which the baby must be removed from the womb. For example, last week in clinical there was a 33 gestational week mother with PPROM who was a smoker and tested positive for opioids. The fetal monitor the night before had indicated decelerations throughout the night, one even lasting nearly 8 minutes. The nurse I was assigned to said that â€Å"she did not realize how close to delivery she was. If a deceleration cannot be brought up in 10 minutes, they are on their way to the OR to deliver! . As discussed in the article, infection is also a major problem with PPROM. The amniotic fluid creates a seal of sorts that is to protect the mother and infant from infection and other harmful things that could enter into the environment of the growing fetus. Once this is lost, infection is easily contracted. Usually infections associated with PPROM are bacterial. According to the article, these types of infection s cause a string of effects that virtually throw the mother into premature labor. Because of the infection, prostaglandins are released. These then cause uterine contractions. However, the metalloproteases that are also released cause the cervix to soften and relax. This is the cause of the membrane rupture according to the article. Race is also thought to play a role in the risk of PPROM. It says that â€Å"black and Hispanic women are at a higher risk in comparison to white women [for PPROM]†. Diagnostic procedures can also cause PPROM. These include carclage and amniocenteses. Because these procedures compromise the integrity of the amniotic sac; the risk for PPROM is increased greatly along with the risk for infection. Management of the PPROM patient depends on gestational age and severity of luid loss. It could be treatment such as medications or it could go as far as full bed rest until delivery. According to the article, 34 weeks ot gestation witn no other complications will often lead to antibiotics and corticosteroids to prolong the pregnancy and decrease the risk for infections. However, in some of the extreme cases that were seen, bed rest or delivery of fetus was seen. In clinical, one of the patients seen was on bed rest until delivery and constant fetal monitoring. In conclusion, infection tends to be the most common effect of PPROM. Smoking nd drug use are viewed as the most common causing risk factors, and fetal complications can range from poor formation of lungs and other physical features, low birth weight, to even fetal death. It is important to educate newly pregnant mothers on risk factors of PPROM, the effects that could occur with PPROM, and educate them on what they can do to prevent this from happening during their pregnancy.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Arab Nationalism in the Modern Context

Arab Nationalism in the Modern Context ‘Arab Nationalism’ was an important part of anti-colonial struggle. A generation on it has little meaning today. Discuss. This essay will examine to what extent Arab nationalism as an ideology was of significance to the anti-colonial struggle and the influence of Arab nationalism in present times. A prominent question of interest in this study will be: was western domination eliminated due to the might of Arab nationalism? Certainly there has been a debate surrounding the significance of Arab nationalism today, this essay will highlight central issues surrounding the debate such as whether Arab nationalism has terminally declined or has just become a lessened force. A further question of concern will be: If Arab nationalism has gone into political remission could it be revived or gain appeal in present times? Furthermore this study will analyse when Arab nationalism was at its strongest and when the greatest expression of Arab nationalism were evident. Arab nationalism is considered to be a nationalist ideology which objective is to achieve a unified Arab nation encompassing the entire territory which is categorised as â€Å"the Arab World† from the Atlantic Ocean to the Persian Gulf (Karsh Arab nationalism and the set of beliefs surrounding the ideology were believed to have the capability to dissolve such matters in order to redeem and revert back to an indigenous culture and heritage. Most of the Arab world experienced colonial suppression and were ruled by western powers such as Britain and France. Was Arab nationalism vital in the struggle against colonialism? It is deemed that â€Å"†¦through the imperial world during the decolonizing period, protest, resistance, and independence movements were fuelled by one or another nationalism† (Said, 1993). The end of the Second World War caused vast political, social and economic transformations to the world order subsequently certain colonised nations gained their independence. In spite of this, the end of explicit or direct colonialism obviously did not equate to the termination of colonial dominance. European powers sought to retain their power across the Middle East and North Africa and colonialism still dominated large parts of the region. European imperialist presence was still evident as certain monarchies were under their rule and were still well disposed to them. For example, Egypt had been granted independence by the British in 1933 however Britain still played a direct role in Egyptian affairs and exercised a huge influence over the nation. It would be in this context that Arab nationalism would serve to provide a compelling set of beliefs and gain ground as a robust force in opposition to foreign occupation. Rafik Asha deemed that â€Å"(Arab) nationalism constitutes the vital soul-force of our people, the bloodstream of Arab life and political vitality, the spirit which guides a resurgent people towards freedom from domination, servitude and pat ronage† (Pfaff, 1970). The Arab nationalist movement was immensely advanced by Gamal Abdel Nasser whom attained power in Egypt and became the nation’s president. In 1956, Nasser nationalised the Suez Canal which had still been occupied by the British. Furthermore, he fought against British, French and Israeli hostility and attacks towards Egypt later on that year. Both these forms of action exhibited a defiant attitude towards the Western powers and inevitably forced them into submission. During this epoch, Arab nationalism gained immense support and popularity throughout the Middle East and North Africa due to Nasser’s leadership furthermore many people in other Arab nations believed that they shared a common struggle against colonial powers.

Summary of the Patterns Movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Summary of the Patterns Movie - Essay Example On the other hand, Ramsey was compelled to enter into an agreement with Staples due to the situation that made him kill Brigg. However, his moral grounds were based on what was best in accordance to nature in the prevailing circumstances. Rationale for Epictetus response to the proposed strategy adopted by Staples The main teaching of Epictetus is on ethics. On his discourse, he lays out his ethical principles, which were formulated in forms of arguments in order to cure human souls (Guthrie 122). In the case of Staples’ proposed strategy, Epictetus could have argued that one has to abandon the attitude of a private individual and fulfill the ideal of a man in a moral progress. In this regard, it is true to argue that Staples ought to have stood on his morals and do what was right without compromising it with the job offered to him by Ramsey. This should also have been in line with what Aristotle argued to be the practice of good actions. Although Staples could have decided to take Ramsey’s offer basing his take of the position by reasoning as a means to living a life of virtue, his caveats seemed to contradict his morals. However, his decision to warn Ramsey about what he felt concerning the death of Brigg was such a good move, which shows his virtues. Nevertheless, Staples can be argued not to be fully committed to his moral virtues. According to Aristotle, moral virtue is constituted by correct action and emotion (Guthrie 130). Although Staples’ emotions symbolizes his true moral virtues, that is, his caveats about his feelings towards Brigg’s death and what he felt about what Ramsey did, his actions were not compatible with that. He was offered a job by Ramsey, and this could have acted as a bribe, which compromised his moral virtues. Aristotle’s point of view on individual change of heart in the business environment was that individuals must make choices that have consequences. For example, these choices should be in line with their impact on the society, if the consequences of bad behavior remove the individual further from achieving and contributing ‘good’ which, by endowment, yields a positivity to humanity, then that choice is uncalled for. It is further believed that ne person’s action can infuse the whole society. It can be argued that Staple’s action to take the job offered by Ramsey could play two major roles. Firstly Ramsey’s deeds could be encouraged as long as Staples accepted the offer of taking the job. This has an implication in that, since the offer was a kind of a deal; Staples could not disclose what happened. This, therefore, means that a culture of impunity would gradually be developed. Secondly, Staples could be compelled to sealing of such deeds even in the future as long as there is a reward offered. According to Aristotle’s concept of telos (end purpose), which articulates on the professional practice of public administration, the good life for each person is based on the move towards the perfection (Haskins 120). In this regard, it can be argued that both Ramsey and Staples were trying to move towards perfection of their good life. However, the bone of contention is on the end results of their move towards perfection of their good life. That is, the evaluation of their human soul and if their actions brigs them joy, hope, grief, or fear. The summary of the twelve angry men In the case of the young man charged with the crime of patricide, the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Week 3_H Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Week 3_H - Assignment Example The attacker always tries to find a way to prevent the users from communicating, therefore the system administrators need to implement methods that are secure and that prevents the entry of unauthorized persons in to the network. The outside attacker tries to obtain the shared key to make attacks. This attack can be prevented by using robust authentication methods such as strong passwords. It is important also to test whether the server is broken so as to keep maximum protection for the system. Inside attackers are operators within the system who sniff passwords and receive the shared key. An insider attacker should be prevented from attacks by using antispyware software and malware software (Kate, et al., 2004). Attackers ordinarily use Trojans, malware and spyware to sniff-passwords that they use to receive the shared key (Mahalanobis, 2005). It is important that the network is clean of such applications. If x and y have the same value then the DHp will the key will be generated as a multiple of the new key factor x. DHP has key multiple resistance and therefore it will calculate the key value by first finding out the number of first user who selected the key. DHP has key resistance properties, it also is key independent and also process the security for the same key multiple

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Racism and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Racism and Society - Essay Example It should be stated that racial categories are variable and mostly depend on the meanings inserted by contemporaries. According to some scholars, it is wrong to consider the concept of race politically neutral. It always contain, even if just implicitly, the idea of conflict of interests. Omi and Winant state "race is a concept, which signifies and symbolizes social conflicts and interests, by referring to different types of human bodies" (55). Some sociologists state that the notion of race has always been filled with some socio-cultural meaning, demonstrating an attitude towards 'aliens' expressed through the emphasizing of their most observable physical differences. In other words, sociologists consider that physical marks reflect not the objective reality, but subjective attitude. According to Robert Park (237-239, 315), a racial mark has become the symbol of the suspense, in the ground of which has laid the sense of self-vulnerability. He writes that a sociologist is interested not in physical distinctions, differentiating one race from another, but in less evident lineaments of inner apprehensions. And physical distinctions are just the symbols of these inner apprehensions. Park claims that historical process in the issue is predetermined by the ideological factors, not by the biological ones. The more important is to realize what people believe in and look for, than to know who they are.In other words modern sociolo gists, considering race as an artificial construct and one of means of creation and description the identity, emphasize that race remains to be rather important notion, which determines and legalizes social and political actions of people. At the same time they are sure that race is a product of racism, and not contrariwise. From this point of view groups, which are called racial, turn out to be 'racialised'. It means that social, political, or economical state of these groups is described with the help of racial categories.A lot of scholars for decades have oppugned against scientific racism, which has tried to ground the idea of racial inequality. They have proved that human capabilities do not depend on the color of the skin or type of eyes. One of the most outstanding representatives of this stream is Ashley Montague, who from 1940s has insisted that race is just a scientific phantom.However a lot of scholars as before consider race and ethnos as some biological reality, underes timating the paramount role of social factor. "While racism is necessarily rooted in biology, ethnocentrism is typically rooted in culture," says D'Souza (33). Nonetheless most of scholars have understood that race is rather social construct then the biological reality, and that the concept of race implicates relationship of dominance and submission. Does racism still exist It should be said that it is rather difficult to define the notion of racism. In fact this concept has an extraordinary ability to mimicry, changing itself in accordance with the circumstances. Besides

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Market Entry Stratagies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Market Entry Stratagies - Research Paper Example The article selected for market choice strategies denotes how in the past years China struggled and to set its entry into the international markets. The articles refer to it as zou chuqu, which means â€Å"go global†. It highlights how Chinese companies have ventured into the international market in various capacities and categories. The countries companies found a competitive edge with regards to getting business contracts, and the articles notes of the Sony and sum sang setting up a state whereby some of their subsequent products would be coming from China. Meanwhile, the article on market Expansion Strategies, highlights on the impacts of the prevailing or business environment in the foreign country. The article asserts that companies with international business experience are most likely to have less sensitivity to the discouraging effect of unpredictable policy environments with regards to investment. The two articles relate to one another by recognizing the essence of the international market as the sole center of the market growth and expansion. The article by Market Choice Strategies explains and elaborates how the Chinese have geared itself for the international market. The Chinese firms like ZTE (telecoms sections) are equally fighting for major just like companies. The article indicates that China has derived a mechanism and strategy for contesting new markets and playing to their maximum strengths. The article on Market Expansion Strategies equally highlights on regards of lenient international or foreign policies to conquer new investment destinations. The article notes that global expansion mainly in an outlined stages model has an inherent process that is well rooted in uncertainty reduction that is well undertaken through the accumulation of pertinent types of knowledge and entailed experience. Having experience in any particular country gives very vital information re garding its

Monday, September 9, 2019

Analyze and explain the development of healthy relationships Essay

Analyze and explain the development of healthy relationships - Essay Example In this mini-paper, the following ingredients necessary for the development of healthy relationships will be elaborated on: (a) Love; (b) Good Communication; (c) Patience; (d) Trust; and (e) Loyalty. Rohn (2010) asserts that love is the basic requirement for a healthy relationship. It is more than just a feeling. It is a commitment to people around us and who mean to us that we will respect them and treat them justly at all costs. A relationship cannot be a fulfilling one if we compromise upon respect and dignity. Respect and be respected; love and be loved; and, this will ensure a satisfying relationship. Good communication waters the plant of a healthy relationship. It requires particular skills to have one’s ideas conveyed to the other person and to listen to his ideas patiently. One should try to let the other person know explicitly what one wants without having him solve the puzzle. Keeping others thinking what the actual problem is will do no good. While communicating, one must be humble and compromising instead of trying to control the other person’s thoughts and should be able to give space to his ideas too. Patience is another vital ingredient for a healthy relationship. We must understand that there will be times when our relations will disappoint us and vice versa, and that no person in this world is perfect. We also disappoint others and should expect others to fail us. It is patience that maintains a relationship through turmoil. Showing patience to others’ disagreements shows that we value them and respect their opinion, and this is natural for people to stay relaxed with people who tolerantly listen to them and try to understand the problem patiently. This fosters healthy relationships. When we trust the other person, this means that we are giving him enough space so that he can pursue his own interests, can make relationships and can do everything he wants without getting ourselves insecure and jealous. When we tell

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Competition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Competition - Essay Example The regulations are put in place to help reduce the conflicts in the commercial; procedures like those of maximizing profits. The entities may require raising the profits and the only way they find to do this is to raise the prices of their products where the burden ends up with the people. The government, therefore, comes in and regulates this to avoid conflicts as well as to ensure that the functioning of the business is taken care of. These regulations come with laws like the minimum wage laws which act in the same way as minimum price laws. When this is implemented, workers who produce less than the minimum wages are laid off leading to unnecessary unemployment. The market efficiency and transparency reduces due to these regulations especially if they work against insider trading. The result of this is that the share price becomes higher than that which would have been if the insiders were allowed to use their information. Inadvertently, the outsiders who were to be protected end s up paying higher prices for the same shares and loses more than they would actually have lost. These regulations have led to market imbalance in some cases. If the amount demanded and supplied is the same and the regulations bring about a fall in the prices, then the supply will reduce and the demand will increase. To solve these imbalances, there have arisen cases of black markets and other dubious means of avoiding the effects of the regulations. Monopoly market structures are the most affected by these regulations as they work independently. The government advocates for the customers to have access to their information, set the price controls and also regulate their operations in the countries of operations. The effect of these is that new markets are opened that bring about competition and thereby increased efficiency and quality services. There is liberalization which is promoted that leads to the mobility of labor, financial capital, goods and services. These bring about new businesses into the industry and intensify competition. [Djankov, Simeon et al, 2002] The competitive market structures are effected through the laws that govern their operations and competitive strategies. Certain acts are prohibited like setting very low prices to accrue short term losses at the expense of the other competitors so that they may even end up closing down. The regulations also govern the number of similar businesses in a certain area. The monopolistically competitive markets have been forced to provide enough information regarding their products. In these markets the consumers have relied on the advertisements which sometimes have given a super perspective of the products. The government regulation has had to control the prices in these firms because in the long run, these firms set prices that are very low to kick out their rivals from the market through their slightly differentiated products which is prohibited. Sometimes these firms set high prices especially bec ause the marginal cost is less than the price in the long run. In a monopsony, the government works together with a monopsonist consumer to ensure that the partial regulations are in place to work at the right time. The government analyses how the consumer is to be protected and also when there should be the intervention from other sources. The second market structure that also faces regulation is an oligopoly market structure. This market structure involves a situation which falls in between perfect competition and monopoly. It refers to few firms

Saturday, September 7, 2019

U.S. Policy on Energy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

U.S. Policy on Energy - Term Paper Example Currently, the U.S energy policy has allowed Canada to ship oil to main refineries to the U.S. Several options of energy sources to the U.S which include hydroelectric power, coal power, geothermal power and importation of crude oil from Canada. Hydroelectric and geothermal energy is more environmentally friendly and cheap to produce since it is a sustainable source. Coal power may be damaging to the environment but it is cheap to exploit. Biodiesels energy is friendly to ecosystem but may not meet the U.S energy demands. The U.S government should invest in hydroelectric energy and geothermal energy and stop the plans of building the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada. Hydroelectric energy is more reliable since the US has many rivers and dams. Geothermal power is sustainable in the long run. Statement of the purpose The US $ 13 billion keystone pipeline system will play a critical role in linking Canadian crude oil suppliers with the largest refining markets in the US. However, there have been public concerns on the dirty sand oil emissions which may damage the ecosystem. The proposed keystone Gulf Coast Expansion project is approximate 1661 mile, 36 inch crude oil pipeline that begins in Alberta and terminating in Texas after passing through Oklahoma. Introduction On Nov, 4th, 2011, TransCanada announced plans to support the proposed legislation within the State of Nebraska to move the key Keystone XL pipeline project forward. If passed, the legislation will see a pipeline route which avoids sand hills is developed. Nebraskans supports the development of the Keystone XL pipeline and at the same time TransCanada has announced that the Keystone XL route has changed and Nebraskans will play a key role in determining the final route (Friends of Earth 2). Cost benefit analysis of Keystone XL pipeline The benefits of Keystone XL are certain when approved. The pipeline remains the best option for producers to supply crude oil to US Gulf Coast refineries hence it has a strategic importance to the US economy. The US economy consumes 15 million barrels of oil each day and imports 10 to 11 million barrels per day. The industry forecasts indicate that crude oil demand in the US will increase over a period of the next three decades hence secure supply of oil is important in achieving US energy security. TransCanada has already set plans to contract more than 13,000 Americans to work on the construction of the pipeline which include pipefitters, welders, mechanics and electricians. Additional 7,000 jobs will be created in the manufacturing sector will local businesses along the pipeline will benefit from 118,000 occasional jobs which will lead to increase in demand for local goods and services (FOX NEWS.COM 2). Costs The pipeline would double the imports of dirty tar sands oil in to United States. Pollution from tar sands oil are higher than pollutions from conventional oil since the levels of carbon dioxide emissions are three times higher than those emitted by the conventional oils. The pipeline would add the climate-damaging emissions to the US (FOX NEWS.COM 3). Water waste During the tar sands oil extraction, vast water resources are required to separate the extracted product, bitumen, sand, silt, and clay. It takes three times amount of water to extract one unit of oil (Morton 4). Tar sands operations use

Friday, September 6, 2019

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens Essay Example for Free

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens Essay Throughout A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens tells the story of several characters, all of who are developed continuously throughout the chapters. Several of the characters are greatly developed, some showing unpredictable sides to their personalities. Sydney Carton is a prime example of such a character, his delicate personality revealed when he declares his love for Lucie. He is not the only character in love with Lucie, however. Throughout Book Two, it is revealed that Stryver and Charles Darnay are also coveting Lucie. Darnay and Carton both announce their love for her, however Carton is the only one who goes directly to Lucie to tell her. In this passage, Carton is asking Lucie to not forget him and to remember that even when she is married and with kids, he will always be there for her to keep her happy. Carton’s declaration of his love for Lucie not only reveals his love and foreshadows his selfless, noble act in the later chapters, but in addition, Dickens’ use of language reveals that Sydney is no longer the â€Å"jackal,† but that he is in fact much more than that – a sensitive man with deep emotions. Dickens’ use of language in this passage brings to light the sincerity in Sydney Carton, changing the mood of the reader towards him, and the words that Dickens uses to make Carton express himself allows Carton to truly show his desire for Lucie. When Carton says, â€Å"for you, and for any dear to you, I would do anything,† Dickens is emphasizing the fact that Carton is dedicated to her. Throughout the passage, he continuously repeats phrases including the word you, such as when he states â€Å"I would embrace any sacrifice for you and for those dear to you.† As a result of emphasizing Carton’s love for Lucie, Dickens creates an immense feeling of sympathy for the reader, as the dedication for Lucie is expressed so eloquently. The fact that Carton accepts this unrequited love by saying â€Å"I will relieve you of a visitor with whom I well know you have nothing in unison, and between whom and you there is an impassable space† creates even more comp assion for Carton because even though it is known that Lucie does not reciprocate his feelings, it is even more painful to watch as he simply walks away from the woman he loves. In addition to uncovering Carton’s true love for Lucie, Dickens uses irony to show the eloquent Carton that contrasts with the drunken Carton of the previous chapters. The chapter to which this passage belongs to is titled â€Å"The Fellow of No Delicacy,† which is ironic because although perhaps Carton was not delicate in the preceding chapters, in this passage he is nothing but eloquent and delicate. He remarks â€Å"try to hold me in your mind, at some quiet times, as ardent and sincere in this one thing,† a great example of his eloquence, which once again causes the reader to develop sympathy for him, since the language he is using so differs from his previous drunken language à ¯Ã‚ ¨203). Carton’s eloquence really shines through in this passage, even though it contrasts with the chapter title and Dickens creates sympathy and tenderness towards Sydney Carton. Because Sydney Carton is put down, not only by others but by himself as well, throughout the entire first half of the second book, when he declares his love for Lucie in such an unselfish and loving manner, it changes how Carton is viewed. Since Stryver takes all the credit for being successful even though Carton does all the work, it is written, â€Å"†¦although Sydney Carton would never be a lion, he was an amazingly good jackal† à ¯Ã‚ ¨116). Carton even describes himself to Darnay as â€Å"I am a disappointed drudge, sir I care for no man on earth, and no man on earth cares for me,† exhibiting Carton’s own self-pity and sadness for the world à ¯Ã‚ ¨113). However, with this passage, Sydney Carton causes any reader to fully disregard any judgments made for his character. Dickens previously portrayed him as this unfortunate man without anything to live for, but now it is revealed that Carton does indeed have someone to live for – Lucie and her happi ness. This passage causes all previous opinions about Sydney Carton to be discarded, as now Sydney Carton is no longer the jackal, but he has turned into the lion. In addition to revealing the compassionate and eloquent side of Sydney Carton, this passage is also a moment of foreshadowing for Carton’s noble and unselfish act of sacrificing himself for Lucie’s happiness. What may have seemed to be just talk about how much he loved Lucie turned out to be very, very real. In this passage, Carton declares to Lucie, â€Å"†¦think now and then that there is a man who would give his life, to keep a life you love beside you† à ¯Ã‚ ¨204). In his last moments, Carton visualizes Lucie feeling that â€Å"each was not more honoured and held sacred in the other’s soul, than I was in the souls of both,† referring to the respect and recognition that both Darnay and Lucie give to Carton à ¯Ã‚ ¨500). In this passage, Carton sets up his feelings for her, perhaps knowing that someday he would have the chance to occupy a special place in Lucie’s heart for a noble, heroic act. His â€Å"sacrifice for you and for thos e dear to you† embodies the Charles Dickens’ theme of love overpowering everything. With love, Carton was able to have the strength to sacrifice his life for the happiness of one person he cared about. With love, not jealousy, he was able to ask Darnay, â€Å"I wish we might be friends† à ¯Ã‚ ¨275). While Lucie does not reciprocate Carton’s love, she does defend him in front of Darnay, declaring â€Å"I would ask you†¦to be very generous with him always†¦I would ask you to believe that he has a heart he very, very seldom reveals, and that there are deep wounds in it† à ¯Ã‚ ¨278). By Carton declaring his love for Lucie and being wholly devoted to her, he is not only able to give Lucie a complete family, safe and protected in England, but he is also able to say that â€Å"it is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to, than I have ever known,† clearly displaying that through his death, he is gaining all the love and admiration he never had before à ¯Ã‚ ¨500). Sydney Carton is my favorite character of the entire novel. His noble act despite the unrequited love between him and Lucie is such an honorable action, and the fact that he kept true to his word about giving his life â€Å"to keep a life you love beside you† makes him all the more noble à ¯Ã‚ ¨204). I thought that this passage was really a turning point for Sydney Carton’s character, since up to that point he had been very reserved and inarticulate, but when he went to speak to Lucie he became this eloquent speaker, driven by a strong love. From then on, we continue to see Carton’s character develop, creatively seeking out the apothecary for the substances in order for the plan to work. He acted without a moment’s hesitation, and that â€Å"[his face] was the peacefullest man’s face ever beheld there† shows that he had absolutely no regrets about his sacrifice à ¯Ã‚ ¨4à ¯Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ ¯Ã‚ ¹). To be that calm when he is about to be the newest victim of the Guillotine is a daunting task in itself, but to have someone who would sacrifice his or her life just for someone else’s happiness is beyond imaginable. Therefore, this passage sets the stage for Carton’s ultimate sacrifice, making Carton no longer a â€Å"disappointed drudge,† but a noble hero who goes from being a friend to Darnay and the Manettes to becoming their savior. There is no greater sacrifice that Carton could have made, and for it all to be because he loved Lucie unconditionally is a pretty incredible thing.